Essential WordPress Plugins Each University Needs
The reasons that make universities to like WordPress plugins is because they are good look and have plugins which are many.By the fact that they are simple to use ,most universities prefer them.Plugins of WordPress available are so many.In order for a person that choose that which is good he/she must first know his/her needs.The following information is important for a person to use so that to have the right WordPress plugin for your school.
First, WP courseware is among the WordPress plugins that you need.The importance of this plugin is that it helps a person to track online courses that a school offer.With the help of this WordPress plugin, you have an opportunity to create online courses, advertise them and even ask students quizzes online.Through the same plugin ,it is possible to give students feedback about their performance in a written form.
Another WordPress plugin to choose is the buddypress.It is possible to have community online on the website for education by using this program.An individual need to realize that he/she can use buddypress so that to classify students into groups.This essential especially the school website offers many online courses.It will be easy for students to receive advice from classmates by using this plugin.It is with this plugin that interaction among students will be made good.
Another WordPress plugin to consider is flashcard.With this kind of plugin, it will be easy for the students to memorize important information.It is through this plugin that students will know how to use the index cards when in college.In order to enhance the capability of students to cram, it is important for them to consider this index cards.It is possible for them to create animated flashcards with the computers if this plugin is added to the school website.
A person can as well consider google drive embedder.This WordPress plugin will help a person to create and store documents that are important.You need to realize that every educator desires to make education to be simple for learners.You need to consider google drive plugin so that to make the schoolwork more easy.The importance of good drive plugin is that you will get it easy to download and edit important documents, thus meeting your needs.With the help of good drive program students will get it simple to access materials for learning.
You need also to ensure that a school as Event Espresso plugin for use,So that to events facilitated in terms of registration,creation and sell of the tickest ,Event Expresso program is essential.In order to know the number of students who were in attendance in an event,you need this plugin.