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Download The UrbanMatter Mobile App To Keep You Updated

In a modern age like this, its very essential for us to stay connected. Download the latest application that will surely help you keep in touch, introducing the UrbanMatter app! You may have heard of them with their amazing platform for events and entertainment in Chicago and New York, but now they will be introducing this new application that lets the users get connected!

With this amazing application, it lets you search for the hottest bars and restaurants and many more! Its also available for both iOS and Android. When you enter your preferred location, the map then processes it and the location that matches the criteria, you can then filter your choices for you are actually searching for by simply utilizing the “Matters” icon. Delicious food, some live music or even a sighting of your favorite celebrity- name it and the UrbanMatter app can find it.

Looking for a nice French restaurant that doesn’t hurt your pocket? UrbanMatter app can help you find the best choices! Just type in “French” and select “Cheap” and you got what you re looking for.

The urban-matter app does not use arbitrary valuations for methods of connecting users to locations. This application uses crowdsourcing from locals, that’s what makes it so different from other applications out there. If you want to learn more, just click here.

What’s incredible is that this application does not rely on algorithm for a bar or a restaurant to show on top of the search results, it determines it by the number of positive reviews a particular establishment has. If the bar is good, then it will be filtered as “Great Drink” in the app.

Editor-in-Chief Michael Norris greatly pointed out that with this application, those online reviews will get outdated. This is the hottest thing in the market right now. He also shared his sentiment that this application’s aim is to ensure that the search results are trustworthy, reliable and updated 24/7. This application is fueled entirely by its users. UrbanMatter can give you a bigger picture of what it’s like to be at that concert venue or any type of event because the info. are provided by actual people who have attended it, that how they can ensure you get nothing but authentic information, click this website for more info

In this coming 2018, UrbanMatter will offer more exciting features that will let users earn rewards, coupons and more exciting freebies! View here for more info about this company. Depending on the how great and how many their review is.